Sep 11, 20131 min

Hot Rant

I just finished reading a news article about a woman who was scalded by hot tea and now wants regulations enacted to control the temperature that coffee shops can serve tea at. While I feel for the pain and disfigurement this woman has suffered, I like my tea (and coffee) hot.


She purchased her beverage and then put it in the cup holder in her car. Shortly thereafter, the car was involved in an accident and that was when the tea spilled on her.


I suggest that people who want to take their beverages in their vehicles in disposable cups stick to iced beverages (there are lots to chooose from) and let me enjoy my hot beverage as hot as I can get it, sipped from my travel mug and with my fate in my own hands. The last thing that is needed is another bureaucrat dictating what I can and can’t have. Besides, our politicians have more important things to legislate: like how big their next bonus is going to be and how little they have to do to earn it.

#stupidity #responsibility