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B.R.A.T.S. Dippity Do

Writer: Terry GrovesTerry Groves

Did you ever do things just to annoy your parents? My brothers and I came up with a few things along that track. I remember, back in the early 1960s, while we were living in the PMQs on the Winnipeg airbase...

It was common for my two older brothers and I to lay on the living room floor, in front of the TV. Our heads would be propped on our hands, side by side. Sometimes we would stay in the same position so long that our hands would fall asleep.

There were not a lot of choices in channels to watch, and the TV was black and white, picture generally grainy. Mom and Dad would often be on the couch behind us or in one of the arm chairs. We were just good little kids, engrossed in whatever was on the tube. Ha!

I don't recall how this tradition started, or who started it, but whenever a Dippity Do commercial would come on, extolling the power of this hair-styling gel, we would wiggle and nudge each other. Whenever the announcer would say Dippity Do, we would giggle. Not a big or loud giggle, just a shaking of our vocal cords, deep in our throat, hehehehe. It was always four little chortles. It was just something we did.

And, of course, after about the fifty millionth time we did it, Mom and Dad were quite tired of us doing that and yelled at us. That was definitely the wrong thing to do because it just made us want to do it more. Sometimes I would keep on laying there, watching the commercial, when I really had to go pee, just so I could give that little laugh whenever Dippity Do was said on the TV.

Of course, once our parents yelled at us, we would do it lower, as though we were trying to obey them, but the laughing eyes and smirks we shared back and forth told the real story, we were brats.

To this day, whenever I hear those words, or even see a bottle displayed somewhere, I feel that hehehehe deep in my throat.

Sometimes it didn't take a lot to keep us entertained. Any crazy automatic actions you recall from your childhood?

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