I don't know where this bit of trivia came from but I recall being told it by my older brother Mark. I am not certain why I recall this so vividly but it has stuck with me, crisp as the day it happened.
It is spring, 1965. I am six years old, riding my tricycle along Paisly Place in the air base PMQs. The ditch along the road is full of water mixed with snow from the melting snowbanks. I am wearing gum boots and a light jacket.

I get off my bike to check out how deep the water in the ditch is. I lay my bike over on its side, like my older brothers do with their two-wheelers. Mark is there and he has a hockey stick with him. As I wade into the water, he stirs in more snow, making the slush, that's what he called it, thicker. He says to me "Slush is what Dinosaurs eat." I recall distinctly that he said it in the present tense, as though a tyrannosaurus might come along for lunch. I'm pretty certain I looked around to see if I was safe.
Then I felt cold on my feet. Water was getting into my boots. Of course it was. I was a brat and it never took long to put a hole in a pair of boots.
Ever since that day, whenever my feet get wet and cold, I think back to slush and Dinosaur food.
Any silly information you recall that you accepted as fact when you were growing up?
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