I have been reading about the pending class action against the tobacco producers that is expected to put $27 billion into the pockets of smokers in Quebec. I ask, why should all that money be given to people who chose to partake in an activity that they knew was going to hurt them?
I agree that the tobacco companies should have to help cover the costs of supporting their medical needs, but why should these people be able to drive to the hospital in Lamborghini’s while it is my tax dollars that pay for their treatment? There is some argument to the fact that the tobacco companies put out a pretty strong advertising campaign to convince people to take up the habit but in recent years the exact opposite is the case and people are still starting along the nicotine highway.
I guess I am a bit old fashioned in thinking that poor decisions should not be rewarded. I think the money should be directed to the medical authorities to ease the tax burden on everyone who chose not to smoke or who kicked the habit. If the smokers end up with a degraded end of life experience, well isn’t that just too bad. They were advised of the adverse effects of their habit long before their health concerns became chronic.
If we are held responsible for our decisions, we are likely to make more responsible ones. And for those who can’t, there is always stupid insurance.