There exists a phenomenon around traffic circles that causes vehicles to accelerate to incredible speeds. I wonder if studies are done to ensure prospective locations for new circles are within these zones. Perhaps it is something about their engineering or shape that causes the phenomenon to develop at that location.
I think the vortex sucks in both vehicles and common sense as there seems to be a lack of the latter at these times. I wonder where it comes out at the other end; it would be nice to get it directed toward either our government or the driver license issue office. In a perfect world some would rub off on both audiences.
I have named this occurrence Dontgetinfrontofme because it needs a long name since it causes drivers to spend as little time as possible in the circle and long names sound more scientific than short ones. The logic of naming is based on the same principal as that which granted these drivers a driver’s license.
I guess being flung to the outside door of one’s car is a wholly enjoyable experience for many drivers. I must be a bit daft as I am adverse to having my organs slammed against my right side. Perhaps I need to go to England or Australia and see if I am more comfortable with everything shoved against the left side. Perhaps I will just try to get people to slow down as they approach and navigate traffic circles. What’s the rush?