Our illustrious political leaders show their true colours again. National Defense sends letters to the families of our Afghanistan fallen, announcing a ceremony to honour their lost sons, and daughters, wives and husbands, but if they want to attend, they have to pay their own way.
Once the news gets out, the Defence Minister quickly waffles, stating his staff released the letter too soon and of course the government will pick up the travel tab. Obviously they think we are so stupid that we will believe this.

Any leader worth anything does not hide behind their staff, their staff action is their action. If the letter was sent early and it was never intended that the invitees would have to travel at their own expense, why was that even in the draft? Why didn’t it say, ‘of course you will be well hosted’? Because it was never their intention to pay for family travel. His tune only changed when the news service picked up on it. He should be ashamed. I know I am ashamed that these families have been so dishonoured for their sacrifice.
What really pisses me off is all the politicians who will attend will do so on the taxpayers dime and they will take their families on the taxpayers dime and none of them has a relative who died in service to their country. Would they attend if they had to pay their own way, use vacation time from work, cover their own family expenses?
The defence minister should be bitch-slapped for releasing that letter and insulting the memory of our fallen comrades. He should be bitch-slapped again for not owning up to this debacle.
When will our politicians realize they should be kissing the asses of our veterans, not cheaping out on their memory? My heart remains with the families of our war heroes, fallen, walking wounded and those who returned relatively unscathed and I am pleased if some of my tax dollars are used to help them see the appreciation of our country for all that they have given.